STEM cannot reach enough audiences! TAMU SHPE has partnered with Anson Jones Elementary to provide fun activities to educate K-5 students about what STEM is! These young geniuses have worked hard to be part of Jones Science Club and are anxious to have hands on experiences with the activities TAMU SHPE provides! This bi-weekly event allows TAMU SHPE to serve their community while educating all students about how incredible STEM can be!
SHPE Jr. Chapter was established in the 2016-2017 academic school year where they have had college-prep information and activities to better prepare for what College has to offer! They have become independent to their own executive team while TAMU SHPE guides them right along with how to relay information to their own members. Workshops, presentations and tips are constantly at their reach while they lead their own team to success year-round!
Advancing Careers in Engineering (ACE) is one of the most significant outreach initiatives taking place at TAMU SHPE! Students 9-12 grade are invited to apply and participate in a fun filled 3-day weekend dedicated to learning what STEM is all about! From physics festivals to competitions to pool side fun, students will be challenged with tasks to learn, absorb and experience Texas A&M/college opportunities! All of this will be served alongside a cup of college knowledge including advice on FAFSA, scholarships and student organizations designed to facilitate higher education transition!
Apply Now! Learn More!Come one, come all! Knowledge for college is here in the Fall! Noche de Ciencias is an opportunity for TAMU SHPE to inform and relay college and STEM information to both students and parents in a one-night extravaganza at Bryan Collegiate Highschool! Students and parents will participate in family-friendly STEM activities and learn more about how support for higher education can be achieved! TAMU SHPE volunteers work on gathering the best information and the greatest activities for every attendee to enjoy and learn what college and STEM has to offer!
This one-day event gives TAMU SHPE the ability to impact and inspire SHPE Jr. chapter students to continue with higher education! SHPE Jr. Chapter students will have guest speakers, tips on how to pursue/pay for higher education and still learn about STEM with great activities! We look forward to showing these kids how great Texas A&M is and the opportunity to attend a college campus with STEM majors!